Looks like the sun will come out and stay a bit today.
Heavy rains and thunderstorms all afternoon and evening yesterday
made for a rather unproductive mood.
Last week,
though I still had very little ambition to meander over to the sewing room and try to get
things done, I changed the scenery by bringing my machine into the dining room to sew
a new pair of simple surged edge curtains for my kitchen.
They came out pretty decent and I'm now rearranging the walls etc to fit my style.
I'd made the mistake of trying to dress the walls, floors and windows of my bare farmhouse
kitchen on a dollar store budget - with an Italian chef motif.... Ughhhh....
After spending about $30. that I really didn't have to spend and placing the matching
chef items on the walls, counter tops & floors -
within about 8 days I was absolutely distressed over my obscenely tasteless choices.
I could not get this stuff out of the kitchen and into a goodwill box fast enough!
(I'd foolishly trashed the receipts so there was no returning them for cash at that point)
Anyway, just as well - another lesson learned, another booster shot so to speak.
Grabbed some Lecien with roses and pale aqua blue
and stitched these up super quick:

My mother had won some old Table Talk
pie tins off eBay last year.
There were about 7 of them, s
o I hung 3 up on one wall and it tied right in
with the old charm of this kitchen
and the curtains
which have a 50's appeal to them (imo).
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