My heart was utterly and completely broken but I am very sure that he is sniffing lovely flowers,
nibbling on delicious blades of grass and marveling at the most beautiful butterflies that eternity has ever offered.
So coming nearly almost out of my solemn stuper, I find today some great news, my rag purse tutorial was featured on totally tutorials :)
I'm ready to start my mother in law's Mother's Day gift along with some bunting (first attempt)
and another quilt this week. I want to demonstrate how I close my binding around quilts and table runners so look for that little gem of information in the tutorial section soon. Hopefully it helps someone starting out like me :)

In keeping with the strippy pillow theme, about 2 weeks ago, I finished (and sold on Etsy! :) a strippy quilted table runner.
I wanted to show it off. The lighting is just never "right" enough...
The backside was completely done in the lilacs on black fabric seen above. I don't have a set number of strips I use or a pattern so my runners have always been different lengths by a few inches more or less.
I am so sorry to hear about your furbaby, we are so lucky to have pets in our lives, they touch us in ways humans can't and their unconditional love is unprecedented. Unfortunately, their time with us is limited in the grand scheme of things. I'm sure that he is watching over you and keeping an eye on all you do. <3 May he find many butterflies over the Rainbow Bridge. Best wishes!