I admit it, I've gone AWOL from my blog for a very long time.
The blog, as it seems was at the time, my "momentary fancy" - go figure.
I'm back with apologies ;) ...Stories & pictures...
In the time I have been absent from sharing, I've been trying my hand at all sorts of odd projects and techniques n' so forth.
I've spent evenings browsing other talented people's pages and tutorials and also hitting up creative minds from within my friends and family albeit a small group of people as I'm nearly a hermit in my sewing room...
I found some great Tutorials on Cluck Cluck Sew for a Sprocket Pillow and also a Fall Scrap Buster pillow...

Here are how mine turned out, the round colorful one is my sprocket pillow I love the loud sherbert colors. The tree pillow cover was also fun to do and opens in the back.
I used scraps of shabby pinks n' greens for the leaves.
If you have not tried either of these styles yet, I know you'll have fun.Hint, with her sprocket pillow, pay attention to her instructions for piecing the triangle portions together.
I got carried away and tried to keep adding in a circle rather than two halves.
Doh'! Did I mention that I have 3 seam rippers scattered in various regions of my sewing areas?
while I was there, checking out these tutorials and her pages,
I saw a pin cushion with a link to the tutorial for it!
BUT- Before I share more,
while I was there, checking out these tutorials and her pages,
I saw a pin cushion with a link to the tutorial for it!
BUT- Before I share more,
have a look at the very first pin cushion I ever made
and have been using for about 12 years or so:
and have been using for about 12 years or so:
Poor beaten n worn little satin heart.Of course when I saw the picture and tutorial link on her site,
I jumped at the chance to update my own.
Here is how mine came out
Just like to say that Allison from Cluck Cluck Sew is a wonderful gal for
sharing her knowledge and she is also very sweet for replying to my show and tell
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