Eat, Sleep, Repeat....
If we are lucky, such is life.
We moved recently, into a new home and it took every dime and penny we had to do so. Finding money to fund my creative side had to be put onto the back burner.

Another kitchen! And Vintage Stove (squeeee)
The top metal portion is actually blue. I'll need to get an oven thermometer because I don't think the temp reading is correct.
It gets a bit colder in that basement than the rest of the house in these cold months for sure!
I put on a sweater and space heater and sew until I can feel my toes and fingers go a little numb.
Well worth it to have the space though!
You know, on the "about me" page when I first started this blog I wrote what my cousin said about life.
It has a funny way of getting in the way of living. Crazy but turns out, very much correct.
So I've struggled with letting this blog go because of my lack of upkeep and schedule now that I also work. I think I'm keeping it and am making a personal inward pledge to take better care of posting regularly.
With that, I give you a couple of things I've dipped my chapped Winterized hands into since making my jams (which buy the way took home best in show and blue ribbons across the board at the county fair! Woo Hoo)
Got me some fabulous bright coordinating fabrics from fellow sellers on Etsy along with some other prints from local shops and stores and had a great time making tons of new pillow slip covers, tried a basket, storage bin - fun - will be making more for sure.
I've been working on lots of little projects for my Etsy shop to try and offset some of the house costs and bills. I've landed a part time job as well so I'm finding my groove so to speak.
And though sales may be slow, my love for creating and vision for the upcoming Spring and Summer in this new place are just gearing up.
Available in my Etsy Store now =)
I'm headed to my "shop" to finish the curtain I started yesterday
I'll post if it turns out as I hope - and if not - well I'll post it anyway.