Saturday, July 28, 2012

Running low on oomph

Today I started a new picture file for my projects in progress - or "pip"

I have both oars in the water and am lagging back and forth between the
two, losing my oomph to sew today.  It feels like I didn't get a minute of sleep
last night but I did...  Except of course when our daughter came to our room 
in the middle of the night to get some assistance removing the wolf spider
from the bathroom.
Big one.

I offered my slipper to my husband but that's as far as I'll go.
We don't get them too often but living on farm acreage, you'll have wandering
critters now and again.

Fell back asleep pretty quickly but still feel like I'm in a fog.

Too bad because I was really excited putting my fabrics together for
the next rag quilt.
I want to make this one a queen or king size.

Here's what's sitting on the cutting mat today,
Bees, butterflies, roses, leaves, cream tones and green with white dots:

Sunday, July 22, 2012

My Treasury List

A while back,
I created a treasury list over at Etsy.

Just a bunch of things that if I could -
I would buy up and - well - "treasure"....

Thought I'd share that while I'll be away today finishing my second
romantic roses rag quilt.