You know when you find some great fabrics that just go together so well and millions of possibilities flash before your eyes all at once?
I found a few of those fabrics recently and have been having some fun making pretty, full length aprons...
I got the turquoise floral and contrasting swirls fabrics from Walmart
and the Mary Engelbreit fabrics online.
For the turquoise apron, I purchased some buttons that seemed to match pretty evenly,
though not entirely sure what I would do with them or where I would place them on
the finished apron.
Then I found a super, step-by-step tutorial for making fabric flowers online at
Until Wednesday Calls (link further down) and decided on a button center for my fabric flower.
The flower on the apron made with M.E. fabric has a center that was made using a button making kit I'd had - I used the same method in the tutorial for making the flower and doubled it to contrast-

Click -here- to go see tutorial for the fabric flowers.